Options - Tab

General tab options.

New tab location

Specifies where a new tab is inserted in the tabbar.

After current tab closed, activate:

Specifies which tab is to be activated after an active tab is closed.


Row modes of tabbar. Single line or multiple rows.

Activate new tab

If unchecked, new tab is not activated until you select it explicitly.

No tab duplication if Ctrl key is not pressed

When a tab already exits, activate it and do not open new, unless Ctrl key is pressed.

Display tab number

Displays tab number on the left of tab title. This may be useful when single row mode.

Rename ambiguous tab automatically

Append ancestor folder name to title text in order to identify, when tabs with the same name exist.

Remove original tab when creating new window from it

Typically when "Open new window" command is executed from tab context menu, remove it and open in a new window.

Change active tab by mouse wheel over tabs

Usually tabbed browsers behave like this, don't they?

Change active tab by mouse wheel with Right button on the views

By mouse wheeling with mouse right button pressed, change active tab if mouse cursor is on the views — default view or extra views.

Tab animation, Animation factor

Use animation when opening, closing and scrolling tabs. Forget it.

Flip Tab Bar horizontally

Makes Tab Bar look like in Right-To-Left environments in Left-To-Right environment and vice versa.

Close tab when navigation failed

This was default behavior before. Retaining failed tab leads to inconsistent state of Folder View and tab, especially when failure reason is about security issue.

Show close button on tabs

Displays close button image on tabs. You can choose a condition among always / with alt key down / mouse hover.
FYI, close button is skinnable.

Display tab icon

Displays folder icon on tabs. This is recommended since icon works as a button to show Sub Folder Menu.

Locked tab behavior

Specifies how locked tabs behave.
You can lock a tab from context menu and mouse click with Ctrl key (by default). Locked tabs can be restored in new window. See Window Option.

Show tab switcher by Ctrl+Tab

Tab switcher window pops up by Ctr+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab, and disappears when Ctrl key is released.

Tab Switcher window
Tab switcher window lists tabs currently exist.
You can switch tabs by pressing Ctrl+Tab and holding down the Ctrl key. Press Tab until the tab you want is active, and then release Ctrl key.